Promoting the spirit of Dien Bien Phu Victory in current political and ideological education of soldiers

Lieutenant General NGUYEN VAN DUC, Director of the Propaganda Department, General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People’s Army.

Promoting the spirit of Dien Bien Phu Victory in current political and ideological education of soldiers

The Dien Bien Phu victory, which successfully ended the resistance war against the French colonialists, left behind many valuable lessons, including lessons on political and ideological education for soldiers in the cause of construction. Building and protecting the Fatherland (BVTTQ) today.

Firstly, always be steadfast in the Party’s lines and policies; Regularly do a good job of educating and thoroughly grasping the above resolutions, directives, and strategic determination for all officers and soldiers.

The decisive factor in winning the resistance war against the French colonialists in general and the Dien Bien Phu Campaign in particular was the correct and creative resistance path and the wise and skillful leadership of the Party Central Committee and the Chairman. Ho Chi Minh, is the collective determination of the Campaign Command. Thanks to that approach, along with the exceptionally outstanding personal role of General Vo Nguyen Giap, our army and people have promoted their combined strength, raising their will to fight and defeat the invaders to win. .

Exchange of experiences on the way to the Dien Bien Phu Front, 1954. File photo

In order to proactively and successfully attack, the General Military Commission and the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People’s Army led and directed the entire army to organize an extensive political reorganization, raise class awareness, and build faith in the strategic determination of the Party Central Committee and the General Command with the motto “active, proactive, mobile, flexible”, determined to fight, determined to win, resolutely destroying enemy forces, crushing Xi Dien Bien Phu base group; believed in the victory of the Winter-Spring War of 1953-1954 and the success of land reform, which significantly increased the fighting spirit of the soldiers. Thereby, contributing to creating great political and spiritual strength for the soldiers to fight and win.

Promoting the above lessons, in the current cause of building and protecting the People’s Republic of China, we require party committees, commanders, political commissars, and politicians at all levels to further strengthen ideological leadership and political education. making all officers and soldiers always steadfast in the direction and goals of national independence and socialism, regardless of conditions and circumstances, must have absolute faith in the Party’s leadership. Deeply grasp the resolutions, directives, conclusions, and strategies of the Party, the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defense on military and national defense tasks, and the Political Education Regulations of the General Department of Politics; plans and instructions from above; Firmly grasp the goals and requirements of political and ideological education, promptly have appropriate policies and leadership measures.

Political agencies at all levels firmly grasp the situation in all aspects and promptly advise party committees and commanders on the content, programs, time, and plans of political and ideological education; proactively prevent and combat negative social impacts from entering the unit, resolutely not leave any ideological gaps and manage ideology. Strengthen inspection, guidance, and timely correction of deviations; Do well the work of preliminary and final reviews, drawing lessons, rewarding, registering, making statistics, monitoring, and managing the quality of political and ideological education of the unit…

Second, political education and ideological leadership work must be carried out regularly, persistently, actively, creatively, closely to reality and to the target audience.

During the preparation and implementation of the Dien Bien Phu Campaign, some units did not do a good job of political and ideological education, so a number of officers and soldiers did not believe they could defeat the group. base. In particular, before the decision to change the combat motto from “fight quickly, resolve quickly” to “fight firmly, advance firmly”; The battle preparations were completed, ready to open fire but had to stop, pull artillery, forces and vehicles back to their positions to prepare again from the beginning, which had a strong impact on the mindset of officers and soldiers. Subjective thoughts and contempt for the enemy appeared after the victory of the first phase of the campaign or negative rightist thoughts after the difficulties and casualties faced by the enemy’s fierce resistance in the second phase of the campaign… Clearly recognize situation, the Party Committee, Front Command, party committees, and commanders at all levels have led and directed the implementation of many forms and measures of education, political and ideological activities, self-criticism and criticism, Strengthen mobilization and communication of soldiers’ ideology by methods within the Party Committee first, outside the Party Committee later, above first, below below. After mobilization, each unit develops a specific emulation plan, assigns leaders and commanders to each grassroots unit and trench to check and encourage fighting spirit.

Read the newspaper to get information on the battlefield of Dien Bien Phu, 1954. Documentary photo

Applying the experience of conducting political education and ideological leadership in the Dien Bien Phu Campaign to current conditions, requiring ideological work in the Army to be carried out proactively and comprehensively, be persistent, persistent, continuous, and close to the practical activities of agencies, units and tasks of the army, especially in the face of major changes; before, during and after each important task, important, complex and sensitive moment. Focus on correctly detecting and hitting the problem, on the one hand, focusing on fostering and training to improve bravery and skills to adapt to impacts, and on the other hand, flexibly, promptly and properly handle all problems. ideology, maintaining the soldiers’ determination to fight in both good and difficult times, without dogmas or stereotypes. Pay attention to soldiers with special circumstances; Closely combine object-based education with task-based education. Combining knowledge transmission with traditional education and exchanging experiences; between education and self-education, focusing on promoting the positivity, initiative, and creativity of learners as the main priority. Using a combination of methods and visual aids, increasing interaction between teachers and learners, promoting the effectiveness of information technology and artificial intelligence in political education according to the motto “teaching in essence, learn in real terms, test and evaluate real results”.

Third, regularly focus on doing a good job of education, encouragement, improving the quality of training, mastering weapons and technical equipment (VKTBKT), building a spirit of determination to win in all situations.

In the decisive strategic battle of Dien Bien Phu, considering the correlation of forces, in terms of infantry, we were 2 times better than the enemy, in terms of artillery, we and the enemy were approximately equal; The enemy is superior to us in terms of the number of artillery shells, and is also superior to us in terms of air force, mechanization, and fortification system. Regarding the level of combat, we are still limited in attacking fortifications and do not have much experience in attacking groups of strongholds or large-scale combined military operations. To overcome the limitations, the Campaign Command decided to change the motto “fight quickly, resolve quickly” to “fight firmly, advance firmly”, focusing on leadership and direction to build high determination for the soldiers. soldier; arrange dispersed firepower, concentrated firepower, build dangerous artillery positions; Develop a coordinated combat plan between forces. Therefore, political and spiritual factors in leadership, direction, and combat command became the leading factors contributing to the victory of the campaign.

Taking advantage of the above lessons, it is now necessary to focus on doing well the work of political education, ideological leadership, improving political bravery, determination to fight, and making soldiers fully and deeply aware of the situation. on the guidelines, policies and determination of the Party, State and our people on the cause of building and protecting the People’s Republic of China, especially the strategy of protecting the People’s Republic of China in the new situation. Deeply grasp the viewpoint of Ho Chi Minh’s military ideology on “people first, guns later”, deeply aware of the great role of political and spiritual factors in the fighting strength of our Army, the the strength of the all-people national defense, the people’s war posture; have faith in the existing VKTBKT and the unique Vietnamese military art and creativity.

Leading and directing the effective implementation of breakthroughs in training and goals, tasks and solutions according to Resolution No. 1659-NQ/QUTW dated December 20, 2022 of the Central Military Commission on quality improvement training period 2023-2030 and following years. Focus on fostering and training to improve technical, tactical and professional qualifications, ensuring that soldiers have both strong political will, clear revolutionary ethics, and mastery of techniques and tactics. , brave, resilient, cunning, and creative in carrying out combat missions. In addition, party committees and commanders at all levels have solutions to improve the quality of training to master VKTBKT on the payroll, especially modern VKTBKT. Criticizing and fighting against the enemy’s ideology of “deification” of high-tech VKTBKT leads to low self-esteem and loss of faith in our ability to win. On the other hand, actively research, promptly summarize practice, do theoretical research, develop military art in association with taking care of building political and spiritual factors for the soldiers.

Fourth, perform well the work of inspection, monitoring, and grasping the situation; closely combine ideological work with organizational and policy work, protecting internal politics.

Recognizing the role of inspection and closely combining all aspects of Party work and political work in the Dien Bien Phu Campaign, the General Department of Politics issued a directive on “Political work in the Dien Bien Phu Campaign”. Dien Bien Phu Campaign”, which clearly defined and placed first the task of “thoroughly examining ideology… to promptly fill in gaps”. Complying with the direction of the General Department of Politics, agencies and units participating in the campaign have actively organized inspections and discovered many contents that need to be supplemented, especially negative manifestations in ideology. officers and soldiers. On that basis, the Campaign Command promptly led and organized self-criticism and criticism activities; Strengthen officials and agencies to closely follow the soldiers to mobilize and fundamentally overcome negative rightist ideology and other manifestations of negative ideology. Closely combine ideological work with organizational, cadre, policy work, internal political protection, and organizational consolidation.

Inheriting this lesson, ideological work must be carried out synchronously and comprehensively, relying on organizations, promoting the role of leadership, command and mass organizations and using many measures to Conduct political education, ideological leadership, and build the soldiers’ determination to fight. Ideological and policy work must go to each person, each organization and each unit according to each task; clearly indicate the direction of action for officers and soldiers. Proactively predict the ideological situation of the soldiers; promptly detect new problems that arise, without being passive or surprised by ideas. Pay close attention and carry out policy work well for the Army and the Army’s rear, linking policy work with organizational work and personnel work, considering it a solid measure to consolidate, promote the strength of political and spiritual factors in combat, training, and regular work… Strengthen leadership and direction to improve the effectiveness of protecting the Party’s ideological foundation, proactively and resolutely fight against wrong, hostile views and manifestations of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” internally; build a clean, strong and typical party organization, “exemplary and typical” comprehensively strong agencies and units, and excellent and strong mass organizations.


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