Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
Nudist pictures
Nudist pictures
Free exotic stories
Beautiful women in competition
Beautiful women art
tasteful, yes I try.
I paint them
ponder their pleasures on my canvas.
I worry
fret a lot
go back and forth
model for my own work
worry some more.
I feel evasive about the screams inside me.
Grim reaper artwork sometimes creeps in.
Exotic lap dancing?
Yes I have painted that too.
I sense them
sort out their illusions
as I stand back and observe me.
As I test my own wings
do I sing
or watch my own demise?
I am transfixed on my pleasures
or is it in the lack of them?
Inside someone
other than my own self.
Do I find I am breathing dust
a life lived by another
from their well aroused closets?
Free exotic stories
in exotic lingerie?
Beautiful women do indeed compete.
Nude women line these walls of mine
how do I know them or me?
Or a new insight of my own?
Can I weigh them fairly?
Can I see my own flesh in this tunnel?
Maybe so…
maybe I can feel my own measures.
What is old to them
new to me
and as I stand still
I see
and hear my own birthing cries.
I protest
or is it that I see a chance to know?
These confusions brought to the surface
these tin dwellings
grim reapers to some
these fragile flowers of grace
I thought I could preserve in me
that ghost like treasure
I am always trying to define.
I grab my coat and cover my fingers with tape
lest I smell the rain’s been deserted.
Sipping tea in the afternoon
I embrace my corner of this world.
Holding out for elegance
a single leaf from any tree you spy
that sense of miracles
is cradled by a love of beauty.
These naked bodies
of beautiful women
uninhibited song.
Do roses wear calluses?
I thought their petals were fragile.
Maybe by dancing they hardened their glare.
Those eyes on me
my tender Lily
do not shed one single dream of yours.
I will always play host to ships that sail
and feathers that meet the wind
despite what pictures I have taken.
Nudist pictures
Free exotic stories
Beautiful women in competition.
Beautiful women art
tasteful, yes I try.
I paint them
and then?
I ponder their pleasures on my canvas.
April 01,2008
A follow up to this poem,
Nudist pictures and free exotic stories are the subject of the poem above. It is about my struggle of judgment obviously, of my own self in this endeavor and of others upon me. We are all trying to figure out what it is that we can and will allow in our lives, that will indeed define us. I am as human as you. You found this poem because you are seeking out a certain message or even a certain high. Thats not a bad thing. Beautiful women in competition is not always followed by a grim reaper. Being comfortable with our own sexuality is not a bad thing either. Deciding to post nudist pictures, in my case to paint them? Beautiful women art, free exotic stories, yes I guess I am embracing them.
ABOUT Kathy Ostman-Magnusen: I am an artist, represented by Monkdogz Urban Art, New York. ORIGINAL ART may be purchased through Monkdogz: http://www.monkdogz.com/chelseagallery/artistart/Magnusen/artist_magnusen.htm
My newest website, showing my sculpture & evocative, erotic paintings: http://www.kathyostman-magnusen.com